What to Expect

Where is Panton Community Church located?

PCC is located about 5 miles west of Vergennes center, on 49 Adams Ferry Road.

Where do I park?

When you arrive, you may park immediately in front of the church. Enter the church through the big, brown doors.

Do you have handicap parking?

Yes. The church is fully accessible, with handicap parking in the rear, to the right. There is an open space for a wheel chair in the first row, and there is a handicap restroom adjacent to the fellowship hall.

What should I wear?

Dress is casual at PCC as we are more interested in you than what you wear! You’ll see us in jeans (or shorts in the summer).

What time does the church service start?

The worship service begins at 10:30 and typically lasts until 11:45.

What is a typical church service like?

The service begins and ends with song, and in between you will find worship through prayer, more songs, and preaching from the Bible.

What type of worship music can I expect?

The music is usually a mix of traditional hymns and contemporary worship songs intended to draw our attention and our devotion to Jesus our Savior. Most Sundays we have guitar, piano, percussion, and a vocalist leading us in worship.

Do children attend church with the adults?

During the worship service, children 3rd grade and younger are invited to go to Junior Church after the first couple of songs. In Junior Church they will have a Bible story and activity taught by a loving teacher.

How often is Communion celebrated?

At PCC we celebrate the Lord’s Table on the first Sunday of every month. On Communion Sunday there is typically a shorter message to allow for more time to share Communion together, and afterward we enjoy a potluck fellowship meal with everyone bringing a dish to share.

Is there a Youth Group or something for teens?

Teens have their own Sunday School classes that meet at 9:30 on Sunday mornings. Teen boys are taught by Pastor Tom in a classroom off the fellowship hall, and teen girls meet in the sanctuary with Suzanne. Once a month we have a game night in a local home. There are also occasional hiking trips or special events. Several of our youth are also involved in a weekly Bible Study with our local Young Life leader.

Are there Adult Bible Studies?

On Sunday mornings, adults have a Bible Study at 9:30 in the fellowship hall. During the week we have three small groups that meet in local homes and at the church. Please contact us for details. We’d love to include you.

Does PCC have Sunday School?

Yes! From 9:30 to 10:20 we have classes for adults, youth, and children on Sunday mornings before the worship service. Adults meet in the fellowship hall. Youth and children meet in classrooms adjacent to the fellowship hall.